Test stations are intended to control and regulate the electrochemical protection parameters and to identify the pipelines routes.
Construction advantages:
- Increased resistance to impact of the environment climatic factors
- Modern and aesthetic appearance
- Free access to the contact clamps of a terminal block
- Easy installation of cables and additional equipment: reference electrodes, corrosion rate indicators, etc.)
- Installation of the equipment inside the post (resistance control unit, controllers, etc.)
- Additional maintenance to preserve the appearance is not required
- Low weight (for test stations with PVC posts)
Basic technical specifications
- Quantity of measuring and power terminals: up to 44
- Section of connected wires:
- measuring wires: 1,5…6,0 sq mm
- power wires: 6,0…35 sq mm
- Cabinet IP rating according to GOST 14254-96 – IP34
- Temperature range: from – 60°C to + 60°C
Test stations are manufactured in accordance with the three technical specifications:
- TS 3435-002-93719333-2009 on a circular cross-section post of 108 mm made of metal or 110 mm made of PVC;
- TS 3435-008-93719333-2012 on a square cross-section post 200 mm made of PVC;
- Test stations produced according to the TBPSh.421453.028 TS